Infant car seats and other accessories for your rental car

asientos de carros para bebes
Infant car seats and other accessories for your rental car

At Adobe Rent a Car we care about providing our customers with everything they might need at all times. Many of our clients are interested in additional accessories to supplement their trip, including infant car seats or boosters, Portable Wi-Fi Hotspots, GPS navigational devices, cell phones, surfboard racks, and more. At Adobe, we want to be one step ahead of our client’s needs. That’s why we offer a variety of accessories to rent in addition to your vehicle rental. Published: 05/08/2017 – Updated: 25/07/2019

Additional items for rent

Our most requested rental accessories are infant car seats and boosters. Costa Rica traffic law dictates that children and infants under 12 years of age must use approved infant seating. At Adobe, we offer different options that are appropriate for each child’s age, size, and weight. Additional items that may be useful for your trip include Portable Wi-Fi Hotspots that connect up to five devices at once; surfboard racks that safely transport your outdoor gear; beverage and snack coolers; and cellphones with local service so you can always stay connected.

Car seats for your infant or child in Costa Rica

sillas de bebe costa rica

Family vacations usually mean traveling with your own infant car seat or booster. Adobe Rent a Car wants you to enjoy your trip without that extra worry. That’s why, in addition to the rental of your vehicle, we offer all types of child and infant car seats to fit your family’s needs. Our car seats and boosters comply with Costa Rica traffic law standards: Regulation N. 38239-MOPT, Traffic Law 9078.

Baby Car Seats: groups 1 2 3 4

According to Traffic, Law 9078, there are four groups (types) of car seats for babies and children. An Adobe representative will help select the appropriate type for your child based on his/her height and weight. Child seats in Costa Rica are divided into the following four groups: infant (baby) seats, child seats, booster seats with a backrest, and booster seats. The appropriate seat group for your child is always determined by his/her weight and height, and not by your child’s age.

Car seats for babies

This first group includes babies and infants that weigh up to 13 kg (29 lbs.) and measure 75 cm (30 in). This type of seat is a baby carrier and should be positioned in the center seat, provided it has adequate supports and faces towards the back of the car.

Car seats for children 1 to 4 years old

This group corresponds to children who weigh less than 18 kg (40 lbs.) and measure between 75 and 110 cm (30 and 43 in). It is a booster seat or chair with side protection and a five-point belt.

Car seats and boosters for children 4 to 6 years old

This group applies to children 4 to 6 years old that weigh between 15 and 25 kg (33 to 55 lbs.) and measure between 110 cm and 145 cm (43 and 57 in). These children will either be fitted with a booster seat or a car seat with side protection. The seats will be attached using the vehicle seat belt or the external anchors, which is determined according to the type of chair used and/or the type of vehicle.

Car seats for larger children

The final group corresponds to children between 6 and 12 years old who weigh between 22 and 36 kg (49 and 79 lbs.) and are between 110 cm and 145 cm (43 and 57 in) tall.

Reglamento sillas de seguridad para niños inglés 2023

At what age should a booster be used when renting a car in Costa Rica?

According to Traffic Law 9078, children must be transported in baby carriers or booster seats until they are 13 years old (end of their 12th year) or according to the weight and height chart below. Regulation N. 38239-MOPT:

Costa Rica Traffic Law 2018: car seats for children

AgeWeightHeightPositionDevice Type
0 to 1 year0 to13 kgUp to 75 cmIn the center seat as long as there are adequate supports and the device faces the rear of the vehicle.Baby Carrier
1 to 4 years9 to 18 kgBetween 75 and 110 cmFacing forward on a side seat, or the center seat if there are adequate supports.Booster or car seat with side protection and five-point belt. The device should be attached to the vehicle belt or external anchors depending on the type of chair and type of vehicle.
4 to 6 years15 to 25 kgBetween 110 and 145 cmFacing forward on a side seat, or the center seat if there are adequate supportsBooster or car seat with side protection. It should be attached to the vehicle belt inside the device or attached to the external anchors depending on the type of chair and type of vehicle.
6 to 12 years22 to 36 kgBetween 110 and 145 cmFacing forward on a side seat, or the center seat if there are adequate supportsBooster or booster cushion without a backrest. The child must be secured with the vehicle belt.

Source: Regulation N. 38239-MOPT, Traffic Law 9078.

Are car seats and other items included in the vehicle rental rate?

Alquiler de silla de bebé y otros accesorios adicionales para su renta
Infant seat

The rental of additional accessories is optional and is not included in the vehicle rental rate. Each accessory you choose will be charged individually. We ask that clients request these accessories in advance (at the time of booking) to ensure their availability.

How to reserve a car seat for your child?

You can request additional accessories online, by phone, or by email. The items will then appear on your final rental quote for your approval.  If needed, an Adobe booking agent will help guide you regarding the available options to fit your particular needs.

What do these items cost?

Each additional accessory is charged at a daily rate, and some items require a deposit. The following table is a breakdown of each item’s cost. Remember that accessories – from GPS devices to baby chair rentals – are subject to availability and should always be requested in advance. At Adobe, we want our customers to feel comfortable, that’s why we offer comfortable rates:

Accessory ItemPrice
Infant car seat (under 12-years old or less than 110 cm tall)US$3.39 per day
Infant car seat (under 12-years old or less than 145 cm tall)US$1.13 per day
Surf RacksUS$3 per day
GPS Navigational DeviceUS$10.17 per day
Cell phone with prepaid service (60 minutes of local calls)US$11.30 per rental
Portable Wi-Fi HotspotUS$11.30 per day

Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot rentals require a $100 security deposit. GPS Navigational Device rentals require a $250 deposit. For more information, email us at or call +(506) 2542-4800. An Adobe representative will help you choose the best options to make your trip more pleasant.

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